While the Left Talks Death, Let’s Talk Life

White women like Jocelyn Benson see abortion as an expression of freedom, but it’s genocide for black babies
whitmer and kamala at roundtable with "trust women" in background

President Donald Trump just announced that help is on the way for couples looking to conceive with in-vitro fertilization. This was a nice gesture. But the future of the pro-life movement is not about government action. 

Pro-life 2.0 is about life, not laws.

What if I told you that Michigan’s limitless abortion law was actually the best thing for the pro-life movement? That when the people of Michigan passed a limitless abortion law, we were set free.

No longer do we have to talk about the law. We are free to talk life while the Democrats talk death.

A story in MIRS revealed an opening in the conversation, an opportunity to make common ground. 

The state’s chief medical executive, Dr. Natasha Bagdasarian, was testifying recently at a trial. She noted that the state health department gives parenting materials to women considering an abortion.

The doctor admits that the materials are accurate, but still took issue with them. She said the materials could be seen as coercive, designed to cause feelings of guilt.

That guilt is our opening. After so many years of women shouting their abortions, here’s the real truth: If women had to admit that what they’re doing is not an act of reproductive freedom, it’s a parent killing a child, they wouldn’t want to do it. 

That guilt is a thread to our common humanity. Women know good and damn well that killing their kids is wrong. But in the current culture this is celebrated. Our silence helped build that culture.

For 50 years, men had a script to read from: “I believe in a woman’s right to choose.” Well, we are past buzzwords now. We are past special little feminist set-asides. You’ve been told to zip your lips. Well, now it’s time to speak up. Now, it’s a matter of literal life and death.

Women don’t want to kill their kids. Think about it for a second—of course they don’t. What if they didn’t feel they needed to? What if the cultural tide turned against this behavior? What if life was seen as the only humane choice, regardless of what the law said?

For 50 years, the abortion industrial complex was good business for the Left and the Right. Roe v. Wade was supposed to be the topic of forever fundraising letters. At no point was it ever supposed to be overturned.

Then, in 2022, it was. And then, a few months later, Michigan didn’t just pass a limitless abortion law. By vote of the people, we put it in the state constitution.

And now, people like Jocelyn Benson and Gretchen Whitmer want it both ways. They want limitless abortion to be the law, while acting like abortion is still on the ballot every two years. 

But it isn’t. It wasn’t in 2024, and it won’t be in 2026. 2022 was a long time ago. 

As we talk about life, here’s a good place to start. Black women are 13% of the population yet have more than half of the abortions in Michigan. Jocelyn Benson recently raised the alarm about the high rate at which black women die during childbirth in Michigan. 

Benson was right. But she’s not allowed to talk about abortion in the same way. Her handlers won’t let her.

Because what Benson presents as freedom in her community is genocide in mine. Every time a white woman says reproductive rights, you should hear “genocide.” Abortion is a type of modern voodoo, where white women drink the poison, but black babies die. 

The women of Michigan are free to have abortion to their heart’s content. What will they do, in the moment of truth? That’s to be determined. 

Speak life and love into the women you know. The law won’t save them. But if we are willing to speak up, we have plenty of common threads to pull on.

James David Dickson is host of the Enjoyer Podcast. Join him in conversation on X @downi75.

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