
They Don’t Really Care About Us

Hurricane Helene devastated American families, but FEMA already spent too much helping migrants
DHS Secretary Mayorkas visiting Fema HQ. Wall test says "FEMA"

Billions for Ukraine, only $750 per hurricane victim in North Carolina. Nothing too generous, just a little something to cover the cost of those wasted groceries. Don’t spend it all in one place.

Giving people security at a time of crisis is now too big a job for Uncle Sam. If only their calamity traced back to Vladimir Putin and not acts of God. Then the aid would flow and never stop.

Just before Hurricane Helene hit Appalachia, some bears climbed 50 feet high in a tree. They didn’t need a weatherman or a team of experts to know the storm was coming.

I hope he survived the storm, because we might need one of them as our next Secretary of Homeland Security. At least they were able to see signs and act on them. That’s more than we can say for current Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas.

Majorkas insisted, months ago, that America was ready for storm season, and “tremendously” so. It was not. Whether it’s the flood of third-world people across the southern border or actual floods after a storm—whether the disaster is natural or unnatural—Mayorkas isn’t much for fixing disasters. We would expect more hustle from an insurance adjuster.

DSH Secretary Mayorkas speaking at podium.
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas speaks during a press briefing, Tuesday, October 1, 2024, in the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House Photo by Oliver Contreras)

If the purpose of a system is what it does, Mayorkas is an agent of chaos. Don’t confuse the point here: He’s not bad at his job. He’s great at the task he was hired for: to weaken and destabilize America. 

Where were you when 330 million Americans realized their government was an active threat to their well-being? Well, where were you on Thursday?

Because that’s when the New York Post published this headline: “Feds say there’s no money left to respond to hurricanes—after FEMA spent $1.4B on migrants.”

For normies—for most of America—this was the October Surprise of a lifetime. 

Normal people don’t think their government is out to hurt them. Normal people don’t think their government would let them get hurt. To normal people, it’s unthinkable their government would choose foreigners above citizens.

Only the most skeptical among us harbor such cynicism. The vanguards always look a little crazy. When Henry Ford’s first car broke down on Bagley, his friends on horseback looked pretty smart. 

A decade later, there were no friends left on horseback. Ford had put the world on wheels. First they laugh at you, then they’re asking for discounts. 

Gradually, then suddenly. It’s how change works.

Gradually, the ruling class has made its disdain for the American people clear. 

Springfield, Ohio, is too ravaged by opioids to fill factory jobs, they tell us, and can’t possibly survive without becoming sister cities with Port-Au Prince. 

Fixing Detroit is too annoying and expensive, they tell us, so we shipped those jobs to Mexico and China. 

Gradually, then suddenly, the American people and the American ethic are being replaced. There are no stable communities anymore. 

Southfield could become Springfield tomorrow. Nobody would even think to ask for our consent. It wouldn’t take a vote; nor would a vote to stop the replacement be honored. 

This is what Build Back Better looks like. This is what your replacement feels like. 

America can’t take four more years of this.

James David Dickson is host of the Enjoyer Podcast. Join him in conversation on X @downi75

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