Why Did Slotkin File for Divorce in D.C.? Because She Lives There

Mike Rogers may be a classic snowbird, but Elissa Slotkin has never had a stable Michigan address as an adult
Slotkin as a CIA analyst with President Obama and an Army General in the Oval Office.

Elissa Slotkin is struggling down the home stretch, especially with her subpar debate appearances, so the media have been rolling out a new round of attack ads and op-eds targeting Mike Rogers, her opponent for Michigan’s junior senate seat, and his status as a Michigan resident. 

This is laughable, given that the 61-year-old Rogers was born in Livonia, raised in Redford, graduated from Adrian College, and spent the bulk of his adult life living in Michigan, serving in the Michigan Legislature and in Congress. Sure, Rogers owns a home in Florida and spends time in the Sunshine State, but so do many boomer-aged Michigan residents. So that makes Roger’s what? A typical Michigan resident of a certain age? What a scandal. 

Meanwhile, Slotkin gets a free pass. 

So, I took a deep dive into her Michigan credentials. My previous reporting has already covered her bizarre address change in 2022 to a home in Lansing, owned by prominent lobbyist Jerry Hollister, as a means to run for the redrawn 7th Congressional District. She leased the home for only the duration of her winning campaign, and there is no evidence she ever even slept there. 

Prior to that address change, her legal residence since 2017 had been her father’s farm in Holly; however, she had no legal connection to the farm other than a “doing business as,” registered under the name Pinpoint Consulting, which, according to records through the State of Michigan LARA business database, was never in good standing, with no income or revenue. 

In layman’s terms, this means Slotkin filed incorporation papers in Lansing for a business, with herself listed as the resident agent and the business address listed in Michigan, for the sole reason of claiming to be a Michigan small business owner; however, she had no intention of ever operating this company, as evidenced by the lack of disclosures or reported revenue. It was, in effect, a shell company created for political purposes.

Very strange. A Michigan congresswoman from a very affluent family, owning no home and leasing mailing addresses in districts for election purposes, and with virtually no history of even residing in the state at all. 

It strains credulity to believe that a middle-aged, successful woman who has worked in government for more than two decades has been living out of a suitcase for all these years, hopping around and using her dad’s or a lobbyist’s address. She owns a home somewhere, right? 

Oh, she does. She’s got digs in one of the most expensive and affluent areas of the nation. Since 2007, Slotkin has been the sole owner of a two-story home in Washington, D.C., within walking distance of the U.S. Capitol. 

This makes sense, given that Slotkin worked for the CIA and then the Pentagon until 2017, but it does reveal an uncomfortable truth. Slotkin is the very definition of a carpetbagger. She’s not a wheels-up congresswoman who returns to home over the weekend and when Congress is out of session for the summer; she’s been a year-round D.C. resident for 17 years. 

Slotkin, anticipating this could potentially be a problem for her, got clever in May 2023 and convinced her father to quit-claim deed his farm to her (tax-free, no less). Only her name appears on the deed, given that she filed for and received an uncontested divorce from her husband—David Moore, a former Army Colonel whom she wed in September 2010—in March 2023.  

Typically, when Michigan residents divorce, they file in the counties where they reside, own assets, where they may have legal rights to children for the purposes of mediation, family-court concerns, and property division. 

Slotkin has no divorce records on file anywhere in the State of Michigan. In fact, her divorce complaint was filed in Superior Court of the District of Columbia Family Court – Domestic Relations Branch.

The reason she filed for divorce in Washington D.C. is simple: That’s where she lives. 

J.Z. Delorean is a writer for Michigan Enjoyer and has been a Metro Detroit-based professional investigator for 22 years. Follow him on X @Stainless31.

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