How to Thrive During Michigan Winter? Ray Peat, Red Lights, and Aspirin

Michiganders, meet the internet’s favorite esoteric health guru
Bobby under red light with carrot and aspirin
All photos courtesy of Bobby Mars.

I’m sitting under a red light right now. Not one of those fancy LED light panels that cost thousands, but a $25 chicken lamp. An incandescent bulb with a coating that produces a pleasant hue of red light. It also produces heat, which is pleasant in winter, but that’s beside the point.

Why am I doing this? Because of the internet’s favorite alternative health guru, Dr. Ray Peat. Welcome to the world of “Peating,” Michiganders.

Who is Ray Peat? He was an obscure biologist, with a PhD from the University of Oregon. He taught at universities in both the U.S. and Mexico, and apart from his sojourns there, lived in the Pacific Northwest for his entire life. 

Dr. Ray Peat

He began researching human hormones, progesterone in particular, in 1968. It sent him down a lifelong rabbit hole, and he spent decades formulating theories. His main hypothesis was that progesterone and the hormones closely related to it are protectors of the body’s structure and energy against the harmful effects of estrogen, radiation, stress, and lack of oxygen.

Dr. Peat died in 2022, aged 86, and was mourned by many. Even in old age, he kept up regular correspondence via email. From what I’ve heard, he answered every inquiry sent to him, no matter how niche, strange, or difficult. His theories and responses aided numerous people, many of whom you’ll find on X, in a loose community known as “Peaters.”

Contrary to what some might say, there is no universal “Ray Peat Diet.” Peat’s theories, for the most part, present a more holistic view of bodily health and autonomy than any rigid prescription. 

Many of them, if not most, fly in the face of conventional nutrition and health guidelines, especially those from the FDA and government agencies. And most of those guidelines, if you really dig into it, are very recent changes anyways. Ray’s theories often confirm older wisdom, things that your grandparents probably knew and were right about. 

We’ll go through a few here, but this list is non-exhaustive:


A basic element of Peat’s philosophy is the stimulating effect of light. Sunlight, in particular, as the most natural light source, is the crucial element of stimulating the metabolism and general health and wellness. Simple morning light exposure, along with brief tanning when possible, is a mainstay of any Peaty regimen.

Pro-Incandescent Bulbs

My grandfather hoarded incandescent bulbs in his basement after Obama banned them. Everyone made fun of him. A lifelong conservative, most assumed he was just a contrarian. 

Turns out, according to Dr. Peat, incandescent bulbs are the synthetic light source most compatible with human biology. They present a continuous light spectrum, which closely mirrors that of the sun. They are warmer and constantly emit light, with no refresh rate. Even moreso, and this is just anecdotal, they do feel cozier at night. 

Incandescent Bulb


Ray was highly skeptical of LED lighting, with its unnatural light spectrum, cold temperature, and bothersome refresh rate. Often imperceptible to the human eye, the flicker of the refresh rate is easily spotted with a camera. We’ve long known that animals can see the constant flicker and are negatively affected by it. The colder, more blue temperature of LEDs also interferes with the circadian rhythm, negatively impacting sleep. 

Pro-Red Light

Ray claimed red light in particular is a stimulating area of the light spectrum, crucial for the body’s hormone production and regulation. Everyone knows that tanning produces vitamin D and such, but Ray saw even the use of synthetic red lights as a powerful tool for stimulating the metabolism.

This advice has gone mainstream, even, with people now shelling out thousands for fancy red LED panels. Every health influencer is marketing these now. Most Peaters settle for occasional tanning in the summer, and a few minutes under a cheap, simple chicken lamp indoors in winter. No need to stare into it directly, just turn it on in the background for a while, let it light up your space.

Red lamp


Your grandmother’s headache fix. For Peat, it’s a potent remedy for just about everything, without the adverse effects other anti-inflammatories like Advil and Tylenol have on your liver. Inflammation is the enemy, and Aspirin is a key tool in the toolbox for fighting it.


Anti-Seed Oils

Now entering the mainstream discourse as a potential nutritional enemy, Ray opposed seed oils vociferously, perhaps his strongest belief. He viewed PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids), especially linoleic acid, the major components of oils like canola and soybean, as a major source of inflammation. He also claimed they were profoundly anti-metabolic thyroid suppressors. He urged people not to consume them.

Pro-Saturated Fat

Ray promoted saturated fat instead. Dairy, in particular—Peaters drink a lot of milk. Tallow, lard, and especially coconut oil. Fats that, in your grandparent’s generation, were mainstays. Industrial seed oils were unheard of until the 1970s and didn’t enter our diets until very recently. Ray saw PUFAs as poison, and saturated fat as a savior, a crucial building block for bodily hormone production.


Sugar is widely demonized as the cause of obesity. Ray said this was false. He’s perhaps the only nutrition guru to say that sugar is, in fact, good for you. Fructose in particular. Ray promoted a diet high in fruit, juice, and yes, even plain old cane sugar. He claimed it supported the body’s metabolism and thyroid, and was only harmful in the presence of PUFAs, which depress the body’s metabolism and cause increased fat storage.

Orange Juice

Good old Coca-Cola, even the American high-fructose corn syrup variety, is widely beloved by Peat’s aficionados. Ray supposedly drank a lot of it. Orange juice is another Peaty mainstay—fresh squeezed if possible, but even the standard grocery store variety, rich in sugar and vitamin C.



Ray loved coffee, and even pondered whether caffeine could be considered a vitamin. He drank a lot of it, and so do most of his adherents. 

Interestingly, he always drank his coffee with sugar. Caffeine can raise cortisol on its own, and he claimed sugar blunts this effect. So skip the black coffee on an empty stomach in the morning and drink it with food, or put a little real cream and sugar in it.

Coffee beans


Ray loved gelatin, for its benefits on gut health, skin, hair and nails, and overall metabolic rate. He recommended its regular consumption as a source of protein. You’ll find beef stew, bone broth, jello, and even Haribo in the diets of Peaters. 

Haribo twin snakes


Your grandparents likely ate this weekly. Liver is a multivitamin in the Peat worldview, promoted for its high vitamin and mineral content. Cook it up with onions and smoked paprika, you’ll be surprised how good it can actually taste.


How could I forget the famous carrot salad? Usually the first recommendation for people interested in Peat. A simple salad of shredded carrots, with a bit of olive oil and apple cider vinegar. Ray claimed it was the best way to detoxify the gut and cleanse the microbiome. In a pinch, just eat a whole carrot. Without going into too much detail, it really does seem to move things along.

Carrot salad


Much of Ray’s advice boils down to stimulating the thyroid and boosting metabolic activity. Rather than starving the body, fasting, and restricting calories, Ray says to nourish your thyroid, boost your metabolism and hormone production, and let your body prosper with proper caloric intake. 

Pro-Fun Exercise

Ray basically said, and you’re gonna love this, “Only do it if it’s fun.” Slugging it out in a grey gym wasn’t for him, and, in his view, stresses the body, raises cortisol, and burns you out. He promoted activities like long walks, sports like tennis, golf, basketball. Social activities, fun ways to keep the blood flowing and stay limber. Saunas, too, are a mainstay of any Peaty regimen, especially in winter.


Sleep, of course, is crucial. But much of Ray’s advice is different from current doctrine. Avoid melatonin supplements, for one, as they stimulate serotonin, and Ray did NOT like serotonin. Keep blood sugar steady before bed, eating an hour or two before even, which most don’t recommend. Dark rooms are good for sleep, but stressful—Ray said darkness elevates cortisol, so Peaters seek out sunlight first thing in the morning. Some even sleep with a nightlight!


Progesterone—produce it naturally or supplement a bit of it. Ray’s recommendation for women, and especially menopausal and post-menopausal women, is his famous “Progest-e”—progesterone dissolved in Vitamin E. I won’t link you to a specific site—this isn’t a sponsored article—but I’ll just say that so many of my female friends recommended it that I urged my own mother to buy a bottle.


Peaters often claim a profound boost in energy by following Ray’s theories. It’s become a joke among them, even. “What do these Peaters need all that energy for?” Why do they need to feel so alert, awake, and healthy? Well, who wouldn’t want to?

Every year America gets fatter and fatter, our health gets worse and worse. We spend more per capita on healthcare than any other developed nation, and our health outcomes are still the worst of the bunch. RFK just ran his whole campaign on this, securing a position as the incoming Secretary of Health and Human Services. “Make America Healthy Again,” he proclaimed, and who wouldn’t want that? Who wouldn’t want an America where everyone was happy, healthy, and full of energy?

If our current food systems and nutrition guidelines were working, we wouldn’t have this problem. They simply aren’t, and the evidence is plain as day. Sugar consumption, for one thing, has decreased since the 1990s, yet the obesity rate keeps climbing and climbing. It’s time we looked elsewhere for solutions, and Dr. Peat’s theories are one potential avenue. They may not all be right, but just ask the Peaters—you’ll find many credit Ray with saving their life. 

Bobby Mars is an artist, alter ego, and former art professor. Follow him on X @bobby_on_mars.

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