

Top Read

The carpetbagging former transportation secretary and sterilized state rep each did something weird, then blamed the public for noticing
The carpetbagging former transportation secretary and sterilized state rep each did something weird, then blamed the public for noticing
Finding half of a 12-point’s rack tells you that a big boy survived the previous hunt and will likely be around next fall
Finding half of a 12-point’s rack tells you that a big boy survived the previous hunt and will likely be around next fall
No forms, reports, or assessments will keep you from being the best teacher your kid will ever have
No forms, reports, or assessments will keep you from being the best teacher your kid will ever have

Ope or Nope

Ope or Nope

Ope means yep, Nope means nope. Fresh takes on Michigan trends from our culture staff.

The Enjoyer Podcast

Deep State Laid Bare feat. Parker Thayer | Ep. 65

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Ep. 63

The Enjoyer Podcast

Michigan news, politics and culture through the eyes of veteran Michigan reporter James Dickson.

The Pleasant Peninsula Podcast

Episode 10 – All Hail the Saunas of Engadine

Ep. 9
Ep. 8

The Pleasant Peninsula Podcast

Outside. Every week. All year. Be it rain, snow, sun, or heavy wind, O.W. Root is outdoors, speaking to what’s good about Michigan. Because it’s always a beautiful day.



LeDuff Joints

LeDuff Joints

The Shell Game

The egg farmers love the new restrictions, because they helped them crush out-of-state competition By


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Previous Episodes


Michigan. The rhythm of the assembly line, the patter of a lonely trail. Detroit, Kalamazoo, the Upper Peninsula. A rare union of nature and industry. Dark days gone by. It was said to have been lost.

But for those who can see the forest for the trees, who can hear its choir of steel and yearn for urban renewal, it can be the vision of a new American Dream. And now, we need for Enjoyers to fill its sacred spaces, love its wild, and promote its industry. You’re one of them.

Get out there and enjoy.

Michigan. The rhythm of the assembly line, the patter of a lonely trail. Detroit, Kalamazoo, the Upper Peninsula. A rare union of nature and industry. Dark days gone by. It was said to have been lost.

But for those who can see the forest for the trees, who can hear its choir of steel and yearn for urban renewal, it can be the vision of a new American Dream. And now, we need for Enjoyers to fill its sacred spaces, love its wild and promote its industry. You’re one of them.

Get out there and enjoy.


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